Have you ever been in a relationship, or marriage that you found yourself fighting for to the degree you felt you were in a war? I call that the “battlefield” of love, and I have never seen anyone come out without at least one scratch.

Time & Location
Dec 19, 2020, 4:37 PM EST
About The Event
PRE-ORDER TODAY Have you ever been in a relationship, or marriage that you found yourself fighting for to the degree you felt you were in a war? I call that the “battlefield” of love, and I have never seen anyone come out without at least one scratch. Even the greatest of relationships and marriages had a few WAR WOUNDS. Between the pages of this book, you will find that love has no respect of persons, but you must respect love and all that it represents and unfolds. The kid gloves are coming off, and nothing will be sugar coated. War Wounds “On the Battlefield of Love” will not only be your guide to a healthy sustaining relationship for you and your life partner, but it will also be a source of information that will help shape you into a healthier, stronger, and wiser you while dealing with the challenges of love, life and relationships. Tyishua McCoy I pray each of you enjoy the material and knowledge that has been shared within the pages of this book, because I had fun writing it. My hope is, you come away with another perspective about relationships, and why some are successful; and others seem to be toxic. There are some "Ahaa" moments, along with a few "Head Shaking" ones as well! Always remember we all must do our part sincerely, when it comes to this thing call love. Anthony Branch "YOU MUST KNOW LOVE, TO GET THE LOVE YOU SEEK; OR LOVE WILL ALWAYS BE A STRANGER TO YOU" ~Anthony Branch